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WS02 - Teaching family members Japanese

Languages, Japanese, Years 3 and 4

By the end of Year 4, students use Japanese language to initiate structured interactions to share information related to the classroom and their personal world. They use modelled language to participate in spoken and written activities that involve planning. They locate and respond to key items of information in texts using strategies to help interpret and convey meaning in familiar contexts. They use modelled language and basic syntax to create texts. They use hiragana with support, and familiar kanji appropriate to context. 


Students imitate hiragana sounds, pronunciation and intonation patterns of Japanese language. They demonstrate understanding that Japanese has non-verbal, spoken and written language conventions and rules to create and make meaning. They recognise that some terms have cultural meanings. They identify patterns in Japanese and make comparisons between Japanese and English. They understand that the Japanese language is connected with culture, and identify how this is reflected in their own language(s) and culture(s).

Communicating meaning in Japanese | Interacting in Japanese


initiate exchanges and respond to modelled questions about self, others, and classroom environment, using formulaic expressions

Communicating meaning in Japanese | Interacting in Japanese


participate in activities that involve planning with others, using a range of familiar phrases and modelled structures

Communicating meaning in Japanese | Creating text in Japanese


create and present informative and imaginative spoken, written and multimodal texts using formulaic expressions, simple sentences, modelled textual conventions, hiragana with the chart as support, and familiar kanji appropriate to context

Understanding language and culture | Understanding systems of language


recognise and use modelled combinations of hiragana sounds, pronunciation and intonation patterns of Japanese to form words and phrases



Creates a video to demonstrate giving a parent/carer directions to follow.

5 11 15 40

Engages with the parent/carer to teach them Japanese and actions.

12 18 15 40

Gives spoken instructions to the parent/carer using the imperative form, for example, すわって。

18 22 15 40

Uses intonation to match the instruction, for example, がんばって!

22 24.3 15 40

[Student] やめて。


[Student] しずかにして。


[Student] すわって。


[Student] がんばって!



Uses the polite _てください form to give instructions.

5 8 15 40

Trains dog to respond to Japanese instructions and actions.

10 25 15 40

すわってください。Good girl.


はい。やめてください。Good girl.


しずかにして。Good girl.


はしってください。Good girl!